Recipe of Tempe sambel matah

Sophia Caldwell   09/10/2020 12:15

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  • 🌎 Cuisine: American
  • 👩 1 - 2 servings
  • 😍 Review: 873
  • 😎 Rating: 4.8
  • 🍳 Category: Lunch
  • 🍰 Calories: 299 calories
  • Tempe sambel matah
    Tempe sambel matah

    Hello everybody, hope you’re having an amazing day today. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, tempe sambel matah. One of my favorites. This time, I’m gonna make it a bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

    Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb Berbagi resep bikin sambal matah Simak vidionya sampai selesai ya. Mau pedes-pedes teman nasi yang gak pakai ngulek, sambal matah solusinya. Dipadukan dengan penyet tempe ehm yummy abis.

    Tempe sambel matah is one of the most favored of recent trending meals on earth. It’s simple, it’s quick, it tastes delicious. It is enjoyed by millions daily. Tempe sambel matah is something which I’ve loved my entire life. They are fine and they look wonderful.

    How to Prepare Tempe sambel matah

    To begin with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can have tempe sambel matah using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.


    The ingredients needed to make Tempe sambel matah:

    1. Take 1 potong papan tempe potong dadu kecil
    2. Take 1 bgks Teri medan (biasanya dah di bungkusin kecil2 di plastik)
    3. Get Sereh 4 batang iris halus (batang putihnya aja)
    4. Make ready 8 lembar daun jeruk iris halus
    5. Prepare 1 bgks terasi AB*
    6. Take 12 siung bamer iris halus
    7. Prepare 5 cabe merah iris halus
    8. Prepare 10 cabe rawit (bisa disesuaikan sesuai selera)
    9. Get 8 siung baput
    10. Get Gula dan garem (bisa disesuaikan)
    11. Take Minyak sayur

    Kamu juga bisa menikmati sambal matah sebagai makanan pendamping ikan bakar, ayam goreng dan aneka lauk lain. Siapa yang doyan banget makan pedas? Kamu pasti gak asing lagi dengan sambal matah. Sambal khas Bali ini sampai sekarang masih hits di banyak varian kuliner.


    Steps to make Tempe sambel matah:

    1. Potong tempe dadu kecil, kasih garam 1 sdm dan air, bejek bentar. Biar nyerep garemnya.
    2. Goreng tempe dengan minyak banyak sederhana, Jangan terlalu kering gorengnya gak sedep, potong jangan besar-besar juga. Angkat sebelum tempe kering garing.
    3. Dengan Sisa minyak menggoreng tempe, masukkan teri medan, sambil goreng teri masukkan terasi, tumis teri dan terasi sambil hancurkan terasinya, biarkan minyaknya kotor
    4. Begitu teri garing, masukkan deh tempe tadi, bawang merah iris, bawang putih iris, cabe iris, sereh iris, daun jeruk iris, aduk dengan kondisi api mati tp minyak masih panas ya, kalau minyak mulai dingin boleh kok nyalain api sebentar aja. Khasnya sambel matah memang disiram minyak panas aja
    5. Masukkan gula dan kaldu. Tidak pakai garam karena teri dan terasi sudah asin.

    Sambal Tempe adalah sambal yang dapat menjadi lauk dan langsung ditemani dengan nasi hangat. Sambal matah adalah salah satu sambal khas Indonesia yang berasal dari Bali. In this Balinese lunch dish, tempeh—fermented soybean cake—is fried until golden and then tossed in a fiery tomato-and-chile sauce. See the recipe for Sambal Goreng Tempe (Fried Tempeh in Tomato. Sambal Matah is a famous raw sambal from the Gods island of Bali.

    As simple as that Recipe of Tempe sambel matah

    So that’s going to wrap it up for this special food tempe sambel matah recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am sure you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!

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